// wrapper.js function get(q) { try { var s = s ? s : window.location.search; var a = new RegExp(q+"=([^=]*)"); var rv = a.exec(s); if (!rv) return undefined; return rv[1]; } catch (e) { console.log("got exception parsing url: " + e.message); } return undefined; } if (get("test1") == "true") window.prioritiseCodecs = true; if (get("test2") == "true") window.mp4Test = true; window.flags = false; window.sessionId = 0; window.videoId = "0"; window.playlistId = "0"; window.channelId = ""; window.bookmarkId = "0"; window.autoplay = "false"; window.sharingBlockedMsg = "Sharing videos from this domain has been disabled"; window.siteId = "279"; window.skinLocation = "skins/vcms.js"; window.apiServer = "https://api-v3.switchmedia.asia"; window.shortUrl = ""; window.profile = "regular"; window.playerId = "playerregular"; window.allowSharing = "false"; window.allowDownloading = "false"; window.clientType = ""; window.subs = ""; window.messageProtocol = "1"; window.messageId = false; if (!window.clientType) window.clientType = 1; // API calls window.playlistUrl = "/{SITEID}/playlists/get-data?playlist={PLAYLISTID}&detail=verbose&format=json"; window.assetUrl = "/{SITEID}/assets/get-data?asset={VIDEOID}&detail=verbose&format=json"; window.channelUrl = "/{SITEID}/channels/get-data?channel={CHANNELID}&detail=verbose&format=json"; // Universal player configuration url window.playerConfigUrl = "/{SITEID}/playback/getUniversalPlayerConfig?videoID={VIDEOID}&playlistID={PLAYLISTID}" + "&skinType=vcms&profile=" + window.profile + "&playerID=" + window.playerId + "&format=json&bookmarkID={BOOKMARKID}&autoplay={AUTOPLAY}"; window.extraParameters = "?siteID=279"; if (window.bookmarkId === "0" || window.bookmarkId === 0) window.bookmarkId = false; if (window.playlistId === "0" || window.playlistId === 0) window.playlistId = false; if (window.videoId === "0" || window.videoId === 0) window.videoId = false; var sendMessage = function(msg, origin) { if (window.messageProtocol == "1") { parent.postMessage(msg, origin); } else if (window.messageProtocol == "2") { var obj = { id: window.messageId, version: window.messageProtocol, msg: msg } parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(obj), origin); } } var generateShortUrl = function() { var type = false; var assetId = false; if (window.bookmarkId * 1) { type = "b"; assetId = window.bookmarkId; } else if (window.playlistId * 1) { type = "p"; assetId = window.playlistId; } else if (window.videoId * 1) { type = "v"; assetId = window.videoId; } if (type == false || assetId == false) { console.log("could not generate short url"); return false; } var token = window.btoa(type+assetId); var url = window.shortUrl.replace("{TOKEN}", token); var player = document.getElementById("wrapperPlayer"); if (player) player.setAttribute("data-shareUrl", url); return url; } var parseShortUrl = function(url) { var pathname = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/')); if (pathname[1] != 't') return false; try { var token = pathname.substring(2); var asset = window.atob(token); var type = asset.substring(0, 1); var id = parseInt(asset.substring(1)); if(type === 'c') { var json = asset.substring(1); var obj = JSON.parse(json); if(typeof obj.v !== "undefined") { window.videoId = obj.v; window.bookmarkId = 0; window.playlistId = 0; } if(typeof obj.p !== "undefined") { window.videoId = 0; window.bookmarkId = 0; window.playlistId = obj.p; } if(typeof obj.a !== "undefined") { window.autoplay = obj.a; } } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(id)) && isFinite(id)) { switch (type) { case "v": window.videoId = id; window.bookmarkId = 0; window.playlistId = 0; break; case "p": window.videoId = 0; window.bookmarkId = 0; window.playlistId = id; break; case "b": window.videoId = 0; window.bookmarkId = id; window.playlistId = 0; break; } if (window.videoId || window.bookmarkId || window.playlistId) { getConfig(); return true; } } } catch (e) {} return false; } var getPlaylistIdFromChannelId = function(id) { var url = window.apiServer + window.channelUrl.replace("{SITEID}", window.siteId).replace("{CHANNELID}", id); var loc = document.createElement("a"); loc.href = window.parentLocation; url += "&referrer=" + loc.hostname; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { try { var channelData = JSON.parse(request.responseText); var playlists = channelData.playlistslist.playlistslist; for (var i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) { var playlist = playlists[i]; if (playlist.assetslist.assetslist.length > 0) { window.playlistId = playlist.playlist; getConfig(); break; } } } catch (e) {} } } request.send(null); } var parseUrl = function() { var siteID = get("siteID"); var videoID = get("videoID"); var playlistID = get("playlistID"); var bookmarkID = get("bookmarkID"); var sessionID = get("sessionID"); var flags = get("flags"); var autoplay = get("autoplay"); var channelID = get("channelID"); if (siteID) window.siteId = siteID; if (videoID) window.videoId = videoID; if (playlistID) window.playlistId = playlistID; if (bookmarkID) window.bookmarkId = bookmarkID; if (sessionID) window.sessionId = sessionID; if (flags) window.flags = decodeURIComponent(flags); if (autoplay) window.autoplay = autoplay; if (channelID) { window.playlistId = getPlaylistIdFromChannelId(channelID); return true; } else if (window.videoId || window.bookmarkId || window.playlistId) { getConfig(); return true; } return false; } var getStoredResumeTime = function() { if (undefined == window.localStorage) return false; var rv = window.localStorage.getItem(window.videoId); if (null == rv) rv = 0; return rv; } var storeCurrentPosition = function(currentTime) { if (undefined == window.localStorage) return false; if (currentTime < 30000) return true; if (currentTime > 0) { if (tv.switch.progresstracking) { var delta = tv.switch.progresstracking.getDeltaForOffset("wrapperPlayer", currentTime); if (delta) currentTime -= delta; } window.localStorage.setItem(window.videoId, currentTime); } return true; } var deleteStoredResumeTime = function() { if (undefined == window.localStorage) return false; window.localStorage.removeItem(window.videoId); } // tell the hosting page that we have loaded window.onload = function() { var url = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer: document.location; if (url) { window.parentLocation = url; if (!window.shortUrl) window.shortUrl = window.parentLocation; // parse the url for the VCMS format - check if first entry in path is an integer var a = document.createElement("a"); if (a) { a.href = url; if (a.pathname) { var elems = a.pathname.split("/"); try { var possibleSiteId = elems[1]; var i = parseInt(possibleSiteId); if (i.toString() == possibleSiteId) window.siteId = i; } catch (e) {} } } } if (!parseShortUrl(url)) { url = window.location.toString(); if (!parseShortUrl(url)) { parseUrl(); } } window.sendMessage("loaded", "*"); } window.onbeforeunload = function() { /* this will destroy the player and allow it to perform any teardown tasks * prior to the browser navigating away from the current page */ tv.switch.deInitialize(); } var handleResize = function(e) { if (window.inResize) return; window.inResize = true; window.realBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var parentNode = window.realBody.parentNode; window.realBody.style.visibility = "hidden"; window.realBody.style.display = "none"; var emptyBody = document.createElement("body"); emptyBody.setAttribute("id", "emptyBody"); parentNode.appendChild(emptyBody); var triggerReflow = window.realBody.offsetHeight; window.realWidth = window.innerWidth; window.realHeight = window.innerHeight; var emptyBody = document.getElementById("emptyBody"); if (emptyBody) emptyBody.parentNode.removeChild(emptyBody); window.realBody.style.visibility = ""; window.realBody.style.display = ""; triggerReflow = window.realBody.offsetHeight; resizePlayer(window.realWidth, window.realHeight); window.inResize = false; } var resizePlayer = function(w, h) { var player = document.getElementById("universalPlayerContainer"); var playlist = document.getElementById("playlistContainer"); if (playlist) { var box = playlist.getBoundingClientRect(); w -= box.width; if (w <= 0) { // if the container is too small, hide the playlist playlist.style.visibility = "hidden"; w += box.width; } } player.style.width = w + "px"; player.style.height = h + "px"; if (playlist) playlist.style.height = (h - 1) + "px"; } var handleResizeOld = function(e, reentrant) { // 1. get the container width and height // 2. do we have a playlist? yes, subtract the playlist width from container width // 3. set universalPlayerContainer width and accordingly // 4. set the playlist height to match the player height if (undefined == reentrant) { var player = document.getElementById("universalPlayerContainer"); var playlist = document.getElementById("playlistContainer"); player.style.width = ""; player.style.height = ""; if (playlist) { playlist.style.width = ""; playlist.style.height = ""; } window.setTimeout(function() { handleResize(e, true); }, 100); return; } var w = window.innerWidth; var h = window.innerHeight; var player = document.getElementById("universalPlayerContainer"); var playlist = document.getElementById("playlistContainer"); if (playlist) { var box = playlist.getBoundingClientRect(); w -= box.width; if (w <= 0) { // if the container is too small, hide the playlist playlist.style.visibility = "hidden"; w += box.width; } } player.style.width = w + "px"; player.style.height = h + "px"; if (playlist) playlist.style.height = h + "px"; // report back to the parent if our minimum height has changed if (h != document.body.currentHeight) { document.body.currentHeight = h; window.sendMessage("height " + h, "*"); } } // handle messages from the hosting page. This allows the page // to set initial video or playlist entries var handleMessage = function(e) { var args = e.data.split(" "); switch (args[0]) { case "set": switch (args[1]) { case "iframeRects": args.shift(); args.shift(); window.iframeRects = JSON.parse(args.join(" ")); break; case "protocol": window.messageProtocol = args[2]; window.messageId = args[3]; break; case "playerConfig": window.playlistId = 0; window.videoId = 0; window.bookmarkId = 0; args.shift(); args.shift(); setPlayerConfig(args.join(" ")); break; case "playlist": window.playlistId = args[2]; window.videoId = 0; window.bookmarkId = 0; getConfig(); break; case "video": window.playlistId = 0; window.videoId = args[2]; window.bookmarkId = 0; //getConfig(); break; case "bookmark": window.playlistId = 0; window.videoId = 0; window.bookmarkId = args[2]; getConfig(); break; case "cuePoints": var cuePoints = args[2].split(","); tv.switch.skin.setProgressBarCuePoints("wrapperPlayer", cuePoints); break; case "markers": var type = args[2]; var color = args[3]; var markers = args[4].split(","); tv.switch.skin.setProgressBarMarkers("wrapperPlayer", type, color, markers); break; case "volume": var vol = args[2]; tv.switch.player.setVolume("wrapperPlayer", vol); break; default: console.log("unhandled set: " + args[1]); break; } break; case "player": switch (args[1]) { case "play": tv.switch.player.play("wrapperPlayer", (+args[2])); break; case "seek": tv.switch.player.skipTo("wrapperPlayer", (+args[2])); tv.switch.skin.invalidateUI("wrapperPlayer"); break; case "pause": tv.switch.player.pause("wrapperPlayer"); break; case "stop": tv.switch.player.stop("wrapperPlayer"); break; case "playpause": tv.switch.player.togglePlayPause("wrapperPlayer"); break; } break; case "get": switch (args[1]) { case "playerConfig": window.sendMessage("playerConfig " + JSON.stringify(window.playerConfig), "*"); break; case "playerPosition": window.sendMessage("playerPosition " + tv.switch.player.getPosition("wrapperPlayer"), "*"); break; case "currentFrameAsPNG": var res = tv.switch.player.getFramePNG("wrapperPlayer", null, args[2], args[3], args[4]); window.sendMessage("framePNG " + args[4] + " " + res, "*"); break; } break; default: //console.log("unhandled command: " + args[0]); break; } } var addParam = function(url, param) { var loc = document.createElement("a"); loc.href = url; if (!loc.search) url += "?" + param; else url += "&" + param; return url; } var patchConfig = function() { if (window.playerConfig.trimpoints) { if (window.playerConfig.trimpoints.start === "0" || window.playerConfig.trimpoints.start === 0) { if (window.playerConfig.trimpoints.end === "0" || window.playerConfig.trimpoints.end === 0) { delete window.playerConfig.trimpoints; delete window.playerConfig.trimMode; } } } if (window.sessionId) { if (window.playerConfig.media && window.playerConfig.media.renditions) { for (var i = 0; i < window.playerConfig.media.renditions.length; i++) { if (window.playerConfig.media.renditions[i].url instanceof Array) { for (var j = 0; j < window.playerCofig.media.renditions[i].url.length; j++) { var url = addParam(window.playerConfig.media.renditions[i].url[j], "sessionID=" + window.sessionId); window.playerConfig.media.renditions[i].url[j] = url; } } else { var url = addParam(window.playerConfig.media.renditions[i].url, "sessionID=" + window.sessionId); window.playerConfig.media.renditions[i].url = url; } } } } if (window.playerConfig.media) { window.showDownloadButton = false; window.showShareButton = false; window.automaticallyPlay = false; if (window.playerConfig.media.downloadButton === "true" || window.playerConfig.media.downloadButton === true) { window.showDownloadButton = true; } if (window.playerConfig.media.shareButton === "true" || window.playerConfig.media.shareButton === true) { window.showShareButton = true; } if (window.playerConfig.media.autoPlay === "true" || window.playerConfig.media.autoPlay === true) { window.playerConfig.media.autoPlay = false; window.automaticallyPlay = true; } } // also check playlist entries for share, download, and autoPlay if (window.playerConfig.playlist) { for (var i = 0; i < window.playerConfig.playlist.length; i++) { var entry = window.playerConfig.playlist[i]; if (!entry) continue; if (entry.media.downloadButton === "true" || entry.media.downloadButton === true) { window.showDownloadButton = true; } if (entry.media.shareButton === "true" || entry.media.shareButton === true) { window.showShareButton = true; } if (entry.media.autoPlay === "true" || entry.media.autoPlay === true) { window.automaticallyPlay = true; } } } try { if (window.playerConfig.media.resumePlayback === "true" || window.playerConfig.media.resumePlayback === true) { var playPosition = getStoredResumeTime() * 1; if (playPosition) { console.log("INFO: going to automatically resume playback at offset " + playPosition); window.playerConfig.media.rawPlayPosition = playPosition; } else { window.playerConfig.media.rawPlayPosition = 0; } } } catch (e) {} return window.playerConfig; } var setPlayerConfig = function(text) { window.playerConfig = JSON.parse(text); window.playerConfig = patchConfig(); loadPlaylistData(window.playlistId); loadVideoData(window.videoId); tv.switch.initializeWithConfig(window.playerConfig); } var checkAdBlocking = function() { if (tv.switch.blockMode) { console.log("adblocking detected, blockMode = true"); window.clientType = 2; } else { var obj = document.getElementById("advertising"); if (obj) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(obj, null); if (style.display == "none") { console.log("adblocking detected, clientType = adblock"); window.clientType = 2; } else { console.log("no adblocking detected"); } } } } var getConfig = function() { var url = window.apiServer + window.playerConfigUrl.replace("{SITEID}", window.siteId).replace("{VIDEOID}", window.videoId || "0").replace("{PLAYLISTID}", window.playlistId || "0").replace("{BOOKMARKID}", window.bookmarkId || "0").replace("{AUTOPLAY}", window.autoplay); if (window.flags) url = addParam(url, window.flags); if (window.sessionId) url = addParam(url, "sessionID=" + window.sessionId); if (window.videoData) delete window.videoData; if (window.playlistData) delete window.playlistData; var loc = document.createElement("a"); loc.href = window.parentLocation; if (window.flags && window.flags.indexOf("ad_ease") > 0) { url += "&referrer=ad_ease"; } else if (loc.hostname) { url += "&referrer=" + window.parentLocation.replace(/\?.*$/, ''); } // Check for the debug flag var debug = false; if (get("debug") != null) { debug = true; // Create an instance of the debugger if it doesn't already exist if (window.adeaseDebugInstance == null && window.adeaseDebug != null) { window.adeaseDebugInstance = new adeaseDebug.AdeaseDebugger(); var debugEL = document.getElementById('adease-debug'); if (debugEL != null) { window.adeaseDebugInstance.attach(debugEL); } } } if (window.extraParameters) { // remove the question mark if needed if (window.extraParameters.indexOf('?') == 0) { url += "&" + window.extraParameters.slice(1); } else if (window.extraParameters.indexOf("&") == 0) { url += window.extraParameters; } else { url += "&" + window.extraParameters; } } checkAdBlocking(); url += "&cl=" + window.clientType; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { try { window.playerConfig = JSON.parse(request.responseText); // Add the config to the adease debugging system if (debug && window.adeaseDebugInstance != null) { adeaseDebugInstance.setConfig(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window.playerConfig))); } } catch (e) { window.playerConfig = { ErrorCode : tv.switch.errorCodes.networkConfigurationError, Message : "Failed to receive configuration from network", } } if (window.playerConfig.ErrorCode) { var title = "Oops"; if (window.playerConfig.Title) title = window.playerConfig.Title; displayErrorMessage(title, window.playerConfig, true); return; } loadPlaylistData(window.playlistId); loadVideoData(window.videoId); window.playerConfig = patchConfig(); // we no longer want to automatically play bookmarks //if (window.bookmarkId && window.bookmarkId !== "0") window.playerConfig.media.autoplay = true; if (window.skinLocation && window.playerConfig.skin) { console.log("patching config for skin location", window.skinLocation); window.playerConfig.skin.HTML=window.skinLocation; } tv.switch.initializeWithConfig(window.playerConfig); var shareUrl = generateShortUrl(); var player = document.getElementById("wrapperPlayer"); if (window.playerConfig.media) { if (window.playerConfig.media.downloadButton === "true" || window.playerConfig.media.downloadButton ===true) { window.allowDownloading = true; } if (window.playerConfig.media.shareButton === "true" || window.playerConfig.media.shareButton ===true) { window.allowSharing = true; } } if (window.allowSharing === true || window.allowSharing === "true") { if (player) { player.setAttribute("data-shareUrl", shareUrl); player.setAttribute("data-allowSharing", true); player.setAttribute("data-shortUrl", window.shortUrl); } } else { if (player) { player.removeAttribute("data-shareUrl"); player.removeAttribute("data-allowSharing"); player.removeAttribute("data-shortUrl"); } } if (window.allowDownloading === true || window.allowDownloading === "true") { if (player) player.setAttribute("data-allowDownloading", true); } else { if (player) player.removeAttribute("data-allowDownloading"); } } } request.send(null); } var loadPlaylistData = function(playlistId) { var playlistContainer = document.getElementById("playlistContainer"); if (!playlistId || playlistId == "0") { if (playlistContainer) { playlistContainer.style.visibility = "hidden"; playlistContainer.style.display = "none"; } //handleResize(); return; } else { if (playlistContainer) { playlistContainer.style.visibility = "visible"; playlistContainer.style.display = "block"; } } var url = window.apiServer + window.playlistUrl.replace("{SITEID}", window.siteId).replace("{PLAYLISTID}", playlistId); var loc = document.createElement("a"); loc.href = window.parentLocation; if (loc.hostname) url += "&referrer=" + loc.hostname; var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4) { window.playlistData = JSON.parse(request.responseText); if (window.playlistData.playlistinfo) { //synchronisePlaylistData(); populatePlaylist(); } //handleResize(); } } request.send(null); } var synchronisePlaylistData = function() { try { if (window.playerConfig.playlist && window.playerConfig.playlist.length > 0) { var c1 = window.playerConfig.playlist.length; var c2 = window.playlistData.assetslist.length; if (c1 != c2) { console.log("API discrepancy"); var newlist = []; for (var i = 0; i < window.playlistData.assetslist.length; i++) { var entry = window.playlistData.assetslist[i]; if (entry.state == "APPROVED") newlist.push(entry); } window.playlistData.assetslist = newlist; } } } catch (e) { } } var populatePlaylist = function() { var text = window.playlistData.playlistinfo.image; if (window.playlistHeadingImg) { if (undefined == text) { text = "about:blank"; } playlistHeadingImg.setAttribute("src", text); } text = window.playlistData.playlistinfo.title; if (!text) text = window.playlistData.playlistinfo.name; if (undefined != text) { if (window.playlistHeadingText) { var child = playlistHeadingText.firstChild; while (child) { try { if (child.nodeType == 3) { child.nodeValue = text; break; } } catch (e) {} child = child.nextSibling; } } } var videoId = false; if (window.playlistData.assetslist) { if (playlist) { playlist.innerHTML = ""; var totalVideos = window.playlistData.assetslist.length; var totalDuration = 0; for (var i = 0; i < window.playlistData.assetslist.length; i++) { var entry = window.playlistData.assetslist[i]; var div = document.createElement("div"); totalDuration += (entry.duration * 1); if (videoId === false) videoId = entry.asset; if (div) { div.setAttribute("class", "playlistEntry"); div.setAttribute("id", "playlistEntry" + i); div.setAttribute("onclick", "onPlaylistEntryPressed(this);"); div.setAttribute("index", i); var innerHTML = ""; if (entry.image) { innerHTML += ""; } var text = entry.title; var description = entry.shortdescription; if (!description) description = ""; if (text || description) { innerHTML += "